This is a project I thought up one day when I was playing a pickup game of basketball. I wondered if I would be able to make a scoreboard that users can pull up on their phone and keep track of the points in a user friendly way. I decided what would work best is to have a check box next to the associated point when a basket was made. I decided that I would make it one step further and keep percentages of baskets made per team. On the inside of each check box there is a 'x' box saying that the attempt was missed. Below the buttons there is an easy to read percentage.
This simple idea of mine has proven to be more complicated the more I get into it. I am learning how important it is to keep JavaScript code well organized. I find it harder to follow my code now than I did before. This has been a big project so far, and I started it to teach myself JavaScript. Now I am a couple months down the road and have taken a stab at jQuery, and think that if I were to do this again I would focus a lot on using jQuery. At first it scared me, but now I believe it would have made the code cleaner, faster, and easier to use. Again for this app, I used the Bootstrap CSS Framework.
This website took about 30 hours to create